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Book your free consultation with our medical professionals team today
We deliver IV infusions of vitamin blends, personally formulated to your exact individual needs and prescribed by a medical doctor.
An IV drip ensures full vitamin utilisation direct into your bloodstream. No need for your body to “digest” the vitamins.
Experience for yourself the direct absorption of vitamins into your body. All drips are delivered by our registered nurse under strict medical conditions in a relaxed salon environment.
After your personal consultation to discover your best selection of vitamins, amino acids and other nutrients there is nothing for you to do, but sit back, relax for around 30-45 minutes and take it all in.

How do vitamin IV drips work?Vitamins by IV uses Intravenous Therapy (known as IV) to deliver vitamins and other nutrients directly into your bloodstream via your veins. This bypasses having to “digest” the vitamins if you were to take them as pills. Normally it takes a number of hours for vitamin pills to digest slowly in your stomach and gradually be absorbed by your body. And not all of the vitamin content contained in the pills you consume get fully digested and therefore not all of the nutrient value of them is available to your body. By taking the vitamins directly into your bloodstream, your body can access the full nutrient value of the vitamin.
How do I know which vitamins to receive?At Vitamins by IV you will be given a full consultation with our trained consultants, who will discuss in detail with you, your full medical history, any issues you are having with your health and body right now, what health conditions you are currently suffering, and what goals you have for your health. The results of your consultation are assessed by a trained medical doctor. As a result of the examination and questionnaire, your doctor will prescribe a personal IV drip for you containing the right blend of vitamins, minerals, etc to suit your individual requirements. You will then have a personalised treatment plan that provides an individually prescribed nutrient regime for you to follow to as you strive to achieve your healthy living goals.
Can I pick and choose my own vitamins?Once you have received your medical consultation, you will receive a prescription for a range of vitamins that you can safely take. You can then discuss with your consultant which combination of vitamins might be best suited to you and the frequency of when you might take the.
What happens if I have a reaction to the IV Vitamin drip?Reports of negative reactions to Vitamin IV drips are rare. But we always check with you prior to your infusion whether you have any known allergies or whether you have ever had an allergic reaction to a vitamin or other nutrient. Be reassured that all IV drips are delivered by a trained nurse under strict medical protocols and that we have on staff a number of personnel who are highly trained in first aid. You are in very good hands.
What are IV vitamin drips?IV means Intra Venous, which literally means “into your veins”. So Vitamins delivered by IV drip are delivered into your veins and therefore go directly into your bloodstream. The vitamins are mixed into a solution that also contains beneficial electrolytes. Traditionally IV drips have been used by doctors to administer medication to patients where rapid absorption of the medication is required. Also they are administered to people where rapid hydration is required after the person has undergone intense dehydration such as when running a marathon or having been lost in a desert. Receiving your vitamins via IV drip direct to your bloodstream means that your body can rapidly absorb them, allowing them to get to work more quickly to improve your overall wellbeing and to boost your vitality.
Are there any risks to receiving vitamins by IV?Vitamins are NOT drugs or medication. Vitamins are in essence concentrated extracts of food. All vitamins are naturally occurring and everyone absorbs a range of different vitamins into their body every time they eat something. Most vitamins are water soluble and so the body will simply excrete any excess vitamins it does not need. A few vitamins like A, D, E & K are what are called “fat soluble” vitamins and can be toxic to the body in extremely high doses. You can rest assured that our medical doctors will never prescribe doses of vitamins above the safe recommended doses. The only other risk is through the injection itself but all of our IV drips are done by trained nurses who are specialists in this field. (But this is no more risky than when you donate blood or have a blood sample taken.) If you need further reassurance our clinic is part of our first aid training business so on any day you visit there is likely to be at least half dozen people on the premises who are all fully and highly trained in first aid.
Why can’t I just take vitamin pills?You can. Most people do take vitamins this way and there is nothing wrong with taking your vitamins in pill form. But, as previously explained, taking vitamins into our stomach means they have to be digested and then absorbed into your body through your digestive system and not all of the vitamin content you ingest gets fully absorbed by your body. When you take your vitamins intravenously however, they go directly into your bloodstream and therefore are more fully absorbed, more quickly, into your body. This means you get much more beneficial effect from taking the same dose of vitamins by IV than if you took them via pill form.
How long will I have to wait for the vitamins to take effect?Some people can experience a rather rapid effect from taking vitamins intravenously. But for others it might take a day or two before you start feeling the full effect. Depending on the particular mix of vitamins or other nutrients you end up receiving it can take some time before they are fully absorbed into the organs of your body and start having the effect they are designed to have.
What sorts of IV drips do you offer?At Vitamins by IV we offer a very wide range of At Vitamins by IV we offer a very wide range of vitamin and other nutrient formulations like amino acids. Each blend is tailored to deliver precisely measured doses. You can find out more about what is in each blend by clicking here.
What are IM shots compared to IV shots?IV stands for Intravenous (into the vein). IM stands for Intramuscular (into the muscles). One popular program we offer includes a program of IV drips say every month or so, with regular IM booster shots in between. This can provide both an instant and ongoing boost of nutrients over the period of your personalised treatment plan.
What type of people get Vitamins by IV drips?Intravenous Vitamin therapy is growing rapidly in popularity across the world as more and more people recognise its role in assisting with maintaining optimum health. Professional athletes and sports people, health-conscious individuals, private athletes and sportsmen and women, and those whose active and busy lifestyles demand that they perform at their peak every day, are all choosing to receive regular IV Vitamin treatments. If you recognise that receiving holistic, therapeutic treatment via IV vitamin drips may be the vitality boost your life needs, you are welcome to join them.
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